Works and Projects


A Walk In The Park “THE GREAT OUTDOORS” Skovhuset Art & Nature DK 2022

“A Walk In The Park” is a very open work of art, which involves people, makes them leave the building to explore the nature around SKOVHUSET. At the exit in front of the reception stands a collection of walking sticks with animal heads in an elongated stick stand. The public can borrow a walking stick for a mortgage and are then encouraged to leave the building and explore the surroundings. Read More about “A Walk In The Park “THE GREAT OUTDOORS” Skovhuset Art & Nature DK 2022″

“PUBLIC WOMAN- changing the route” Performativ reading in the context of Mette Kit Jensen’s works in the exhibition “Transitions #2”, The Round Tower, Copenhagen 2021

A reading performance by Mette Kit Jensen. The texts deal with walks in big cities and Mette Kit Jensen’s attempts to break established routines, comfort zones and expectations in the public space. The lyrics places her diary from a corona-closed Paris together with the memory of her blessed aunt and her notion of the world. During the reading footprints writing the words “PUBLIC WOMAN” were placed on the texts. Read More about ““PUBLIC WOMAN- changing the route” Performativ reading in the context of Mette Kit Jensen’s works in the exhibition “Transitions #2”, The Round Tower, Copenhagen 2021″

“Outside Oneself”, Walking Protocols. LOKALE and the streets of Nørrebro DK 2021

Do you know that feeling? You wander around the city and see someone who fascinates you. That person seems like from another planet, not really dressed up, but a bit staged. You feel like going home with this person to see how he or she lives or meet their family or go with them to work – experiencing the world from their perspective Read More about ““Outside Oneself”, Walking Protocols. LOKALE and the streets of Nørrebro DK 2021″

“Walking Performance Play” – Perform’Action Live Art Yaoundé, Cameroun 2018

The performance, a “game” created in collaboration with participants, was “performed” in the village Akak outside Yaoundé and involved both festival participants and locals. The theme was the “meeting” according to the intension of the festival, concerning the meeting between the locals and the visitors.  
Read More about ““Walking Performance Play” – Perform’Action Live Art Yaoundé, Cameroun 2018″
