Circling The City, Writing While Walking with CY Frostholm, SCOTTY Berlin (DE) 2018

Bird cage with awning and the sound of canary birds mixed with street sound

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Circling The City - Athens
Writing While Walking med CY Frostholm, SCOTTY Berlin (DE) 2018
Under Documenta 14 (Learning from Athens) brugte Mette Kit Jensen en måned i Athen.
Her gennemførte hun en række spadseretur gennem byen. I et forsøg på at bryde de
officielle turistruter gennem den græske hovedstad var strategien følgende: Hun valgte
en drink. Efter at have tømt sit glas, vendte hun det på hovedet på et kort over Athen.
Den cirkel der blev lavet på kortet, blev derefter hendes rute gennem byen. Disse
'Tipsy Walks' tog hende gennem mange forskellige kvarterer og parallelle virkeligheder.
I udstillingen "Writing While Walking" viste hun kort, tekster og bearbejdede objekter fra
turen. Der blev til lejligheden lavet et lille hæfte - en dagbog med angivelser af hvad hun havde drukket de pågældende dage, hvor hun havde gået samt beskrivelser af indtryk.


Metaxourgio, 10.04.2017
Omonia, 13.04.2017

I forbindelse med udstillingen involverede hun publikum i Tipsy walk Kreuzberg

Dobbeltudstillingen “Writing While Walking” af Mette Kit Jensen og CY Frostholm,
var en dialog mellem forskellige måder at opfatte og beskrive byen på. Fra hvert sit
hjørne af Europa havde de to danske kunstnere bevæget sig på tværs af det offentlige
I forlængelse af temaet blev Daniela Lehmann Carrasco inviteret til at knytte en walk om hendes families migrationshistorie til projektet. Se mere her:

Autoethnographischer spaziergang

Se mere:

MKJ´s spadseresko i str. 38, som var blevet helt tyndslidte af at spadsere rundt i Athen, blev senere forsølvet og indgik i værket "Fodspor" på Kvindemuseet 2019.

Tak til:
CY Frostholm
Paul K. Schâfer
Silas Emmery
Charlotte Bastian
Kerstin Stoll
Pulsk Ravn
Jane Rowley
Det Danske Institut i Athen,
SCOTTY enterprises Berlin
Leif Hasles Fond
Statens Kunstfond og Grosserer LF Foghts fond.


City maps of Athens with alcohol stains framed in golden frames with text on the glas. In the right corner they are stamped - Circling The City. Photo: CY Frostholm

On the glass is written the area, the date and which kind of alcohol Mette Kit Jensen had been drinking on the day in question. Photo: CY Frostholm


The stamp. Photo: CY Frostholm

A turning table with bottles of alcohol -  greek specialities from souvenir shops. The shadow forms the shape of a skyline. Photo: CY Frostholm

 Booklets -  a diary of the walks. Translation: Jane Rowley, Design: Pulsk Ravn, Print: Officin

Installation view. Photo: CY Frostholm

Circling The City - Athens
Writing While Walking with CY Frostholm, SCOTTY Berlin (DE) 2018

The joint exhibition by Mette Kit Jensen and CY Frostholm, WRITING WHILE WALKING,
was a dialogue between different ways of perceiving and describing the city. Starting
from opposite corners of Europe, the two Danish artists stroll across public space.

During Documenta 14 (Learning from Athens) Mette Kit Jensen spent a month in Athens.
While there, she embarked on a series of strolls through the city. In an attempt to break
the mapped-out tourist routes through the Greek capital her strategy was as follows:
She chose a drink. After emptying her glass, She turned it upside down on a map of Athens.
The ring the glass made on the map then became her route through the city. These
‘Tipsy Walks’ took her through many different neighbourhoods and parallel realities.
In the exhibition "Writing While Walking" she was showing maps, texts and moderated
props from the walk.

See also Tipsy Walk Kreuzberg

MKJ's walking shoes size 38, which had become totally worn out from strolling around Athens, were later silver-plated and included in the work "Footprints" at the Women's Museum 2019.

Thanks to:
CY Frostholm
Paul K. Schâfer

Silas Emmery
Charlotte Bastian
Kerstin Stoll
Pulsk Ravn
Jane Rowley
Det Danske Institut i Athen,
SCOTTY enterprises Berlin
Leif Hasles Fond
The Danish Arts Council and Grosserer LF Foghts fond
See more:

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