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Tipsy Walk Sundholm
Fabrikken for Kunst og design 2016
København DK
Performancen startende i et barlignende univers. En mængde forskellige glas var opstillet på bardisken. Mette Kit Jensen var turguide, bød velkommen og bad folk vælge et glas. En assistent hældte rødvin i glassene og deltagerne drak ud. Det tomme glas blev vendt på hovedet på et kort over Sundholmskvarteret og den rødvinscirkel som opstod, udgjorde nu den rute som skulle spadseres inden man vendte tilbage og fik en underskrift og et stempel som bevis for fuldført mission.
Assistent: Asta Marie Tutavae Iversen
Tipsy Walk Sundholm DK
Factory of Art and Design 2016
Copenhagen DK
The performance starting in a universe that recalls the feeling of a bar. A variety of glass were placed on the bar desk. Mette Kit Jensen was the tour guide. She welcomed the people and asked them to choose a glass. An assistant poured red wine in the glasses and the participants drank out. The empty glass was turned upside down on a map of Sundholm district and the red circle that arose constituted now the route to walk before returning.
Finally the participants got a signature and a stamp indicating completed mission.
Assistant: Asta Marie Tutavae Iversen
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