Flâneuse Projects 2010 –

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Over længere tid har Mette Kit Jensen personificeret en flâneur, en kunstnerfigur fra 1800tallets Paris som drev formålsløst rundt i gaderne i et forsøg på at komme tættere på virkeligheden. Hun er en kvindelig version, en flâneuse som rejser til verdens storbyer og beskriver dem fra gadeplan. Hendes observationer omsættes til ord, lyd, objekter, installationer, walks og performances.


For a period of time Mette Kit Jensen has personified the flâneur, a 19th Century artist character from Paris, who would aimlessly roam the streets in an attempt to get closer to reality. She embodies a female version, the “flâneuse”, who travels to the major cities of the world, describing them from street level, and interpreting her encounters through words, objects, installations, walks and performances.

Flâneuse – Musee de l’Europe, Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon (DK), 2013

For a period of time Mette Kit Jensen has personified the flâneur, a 19th Century artist character from Paris, who would aimlessly roam the streets in an attempt to get closer to reality. She embodies a female version, the “flâneuse”, who travels to the major cities of the world, describing them from street level, and interpreting her encounters through words and sculptures. Read More about “Flâneuse – Musee de l’Europe, Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon (DK), 2013”