Flâneuse – Alt Cph 10

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Flâneuse - Alt Cph 10
Byrumsprojekt i forbindelse med Alt_Cph 10 -In Space 2010

I en moderne verden kan flanøren sammenlignes med turisten som betragter den globaliserede verden med et udefrakommende blik. Turisterne kan besøge og forlade steder efter lyst og behov og studere det offentlige liv ud fra et rent lystbetonet forhold. I modsætning hertil står flygtninge og hjemløse der ikke besidder det frie valgs mulighed og ikke kan trække sig tilbage i tryghed eller privathed. Da Alt_Cph 10 –In Space fandt sted i Sundholmskvarteret der huset Københavns største herberg for hjemløse valgte jeg at vende flanør begrebet om: Med udgangspunkt i en samtale med en tidligere hjemløs pige, nu beboer på Sundholm lavede jeg min egen spadseretur gennem Sundholmsvejkvarteret. Publikum fik udleveret et kort ud fra hvilken de kan følge min rute og stoppe op ved udvalgte steder, hvor plakater med citater fra Heidis fortælling var ophængt. På den måde kunne gåturen knytte nye fortællinger til byrummet.

Tak til Heidi for at dele sin historie.


Flâneuse - Alt Cph 10
A City Space Project in connection with ALT_CPH –In Space 2010

In the modern world a flaneur can be compared to a tourist who sees the globalized world with an objective eye. Tourists find themselves on the top of a mobile hierarchy and can visit and depart places as they wish. The tourist can study public life from a purely pleasurable point of view as opposed to refugees and homeless who do not have the privilege of free choice or the possibility to be in a secure space or find any privacy. When the Sundholms District faced a thorough renovation it also was home to Copenhagen’s largest shelter for the homeless. The homeless people of district easily be considered experts of public spaces and I found it relevant to give them a voice. My starting off point was a conversation with Heidi, a former homeless girl from the area. By using her stories and without revealing her routes I invented my own routes, crisscrossing the usual routes of the area. Afterwards the audience was be given a map of the area from which they could follow the route stopping at designated places. Posters with sentences from my conversation with Heidi was signposted. And taking a walk in this way would open the eyes of the audience to a new way of seeing the area.

Thanks to Heidi for sharing her story.


Øen Amagers Pizzaria og Burgerbar, Brydes Alle 36
"You have no private life as a homeless person. Perhaps you can have a small diary,
but it is difficult to carry it around on your stomach. So I just started to throw the
things I had writtten or drawn in the dustbin, to think-"you've got mail", then I knew
that I wouldn't be sad. If it only was myself who threw it out.


Skotlands Plads, ved bænk.
"When I became homeless my father had just died. There are actually a lot of lonely
elderly men who are homeless. That gave me a kind of sense of security just to sit
next to them on the bench without us talking together. They gav a cup of coffée
sometimes and a cigarette. They were very nice."


Køpnerkirken, udhængsskabet. Hjørnet af Hemsedalsgade/Shetlandsgade
"The church says that it is all right to sit and talk with yourself, if only you say
that you are talking with God. They approve that you are crazy".


Hul i Hækken fra Sundholm med udsigt til Amagerfælled Skole
"The children walk through Sundholm at half eight in the morning.
Then you can see them in flocks. They nip through a hole in the fence
out here.They nip through in order to get quicker  to school.They are
not afraid neither for alcholics nor for junkies"