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“Ude Af Sig Selv”
i rammen af “Gå-Protokoller - retninger, ruter, refleksioner”,
LOKALE og Nørrebros byrum 8+9 maj 2021
med Kristoffer Ørum, Tomas Skovgaard, "Outside Collective", Anette Friedrich Johannessen (NO)
og Mette Kit Jensen. Kurateret af Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen (Performance Protocols)
Kender du det?
Du vandrer rundt i byen og ser en person, som fascinerer dig. Vedkommende virker som fra en anden planet, ikke rigtig klædt ud, men en smule iscenesat. Du får lyst til at gå med denne person hjem og se hvordan han eller hun bor eller møde deres familie eller gå med dem på arbejde - opleve verden fra deres perspektiv.…Ligesom kvinden jeg bemærkede på Yves Saint-Laurent Museet i Paris, der tog billeder af sig selv i spejlvæggen i YSL´s arbejdsværelse - med en lange støvler, en sort bredskygget hat, et nøje arrangeret skødesløst stort uldsjal om halsen og en sort skuldertaske med en ekstra lang strop hængende fra skulderen. Eller den ældre dame foran butikken i Rue De Rivoli med en kort lilla frakke, røde sko og rød taske, samt en meget præcis frisure der ligner en hjelm eller en paryk.
I Performancen “Ude Af Sig Selv” fik man mulighed for at at prøve at være en anden. Publikum blev fundet via en annonce i Nørrebro Nordvest Bladet og i diverse Facebookgrupper.
Ved tilmelding skulle man oplyse sko- og frakkestørrelse.
I LOKALE hang trenchcoats og hyttesko i forskellige størrelser,
samt en fantomtegning af en mystiske dame.
Bag et forhæng befandt sig to makeup-artister.
Publikum blev sminket og stylet i en time.
Hver time gik en ny person ud af døren fra LOKALE,
stylet som den fremmede kvinde og forsynet med en manual
for en times spadseretur på Nørrebro.
Koncept, manual, installation og kostumer: Mette Kit Jensen
Assistent: Josephine Sommer
Paryk og make up design: Anne Catherine Saurberg
Make Up assistent: Vilma Sandnes Johansson
Fantomtegning: Karina Mosegård
Projektet var støttet af Statens Kunstfonds projektstøtteudvalg, Byens Puls Nørrebro, Rådet for Visuel Kultur Københavns Kommune. Tak til LOKALE, Cité Internationales des Arts Paris og Betonsalon, Paris samt alle deltagerne.
Hør Kulturprogrammet Gniben fra Radio Storbyen om projektet "Gåprotokoller"

Phantom drawing: Karina Mosegaard, photo: Malte Steiner

Photo: Malte Steiner
Photo: Malte Steiner
Photo: Malte Steiner
Photo: Mette Kit Jensen
Kristine Samson
Isabella Nicole Best
Dlove Moustafa
Marie Pihl
Liva Bjørnung Hasselbach
Kristine Marie Bjerg
Francisco Arancibia
Mette Kit Jensen
"Outside Oneself"
in the context of “Walking Protocols - directions, routes, reflections”,
LOCAL and Nørrebro's urban space 8 + 9 May 2021
with Kristoffer Ørum, Tomas Skovgaard, "Outside Collective", Anette Friedrich Johannessen (NO)
and Mette Kit Jensen. Curated by Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen (Performance Protocols)
Do you know that feeling? You wander around the city and see someone who fascinates you. That person appears like from another planet, not really dressed up, but a bit staged. You feel like going home with this person to see how he or she lives or meet their family or go with them to work - to be experiencing the world from their perspective.Like the woman which I noticed at the Yves Saint-Laurent Museum in Paris who took pictures of herself in the mirror wall in YSL's study - wearing long boots, a black wide-brimmed hat, a carefully but carelessly arranged large woolen shawl around her neck and a black shoulder bag with an extra long strap hanging from her shoulder. Or the older lady standing in front of the shop in Rue De Rivoli wearing a short purple coat, red shoes and a red bag, having a very precise hairstyle which looked like a helmet or a wig.
In the performance “Outside Oneself" you could get the opportunity to try to be someone else.
The participants were found via an advertisement in Nørrebro’s local newspaper and through various Facebook groups.
Upon registering, one had to state one's shoe and coat size.
In LOKALE trench coats were hanging and cabin shoes were lined up in different sizes, as well as a framed phantom drawing of a mysterious lady was hanging on the wall.
Behind a curtain were two makeup artists and the participants were made up and styled for an hour.
Every hour a person walked out the door from LOKALE, styled as the woman on the phantom drawing and provided with a manual for an hour's walk in the Nørrebro neighbourhood.
Concept, manual, installation and costumes: Mette Kit Jensen
Assistant Josephine Sommer
Wig and make up design: Anne Catherine Saurberg
Make Up assistant: Vilma Sandnes Johansson
Phantom drawing: Karina Mosegård
The project was supported by Statens Kunstfonds project support committee, Byens Puls Nørrebro, the Council for Visual Culture Copenhagen Municipality.
Thank to LOKALE, Cité Internationales des Arts Paris and Betonsalon, Paris and all the participants.