“ERSATZSTADT” Gesamtkunstwerk Projektraum DOSE, Hamburg 2024

Photo: Michael Perlbach


ERSATZSTADT, Projektraum DOSE, Hamburg 2024
"Ersatzstadt" var en ny fælles blød by med fragmenter af Hamborg, uden egentlig at være Hamborg. Byens individer gjorde den levende. Projektet hyldede samskabelsen. Publikum og kollegaer blev inviteret til at deltage.

Folk havde mulighed for at aflevere et billede af et sted i Hamburg, som interesserer dem sammen med kort tekst. Silhuetter af stederne blev klippet i genbrugsstof, kantet og hænget op i loftet - som sætstykker. Langsomt fyldes rummet til en ny “by”, som man kunne gå rundt i. Materialerne var tekstiler fundet på loppemarkeder og på genbrugsbutikker i København, Rom og Hamburg og derefter indfarvet. Da projektet var færdigt blev tiloversblevne tekstiler givet til en kunstner som laver papir af tekstilaffald.

Hver lørdag var der en event hvor deltagere havde mulighed for at byde ind med kunstneriske bidrag i det eksisterende rum.

Konceptet for Projektraum DOSE er, at kunstnerne arbejder direkte i udstillingsrummet. De besøgende har adgang hele perioden og der afsluttes med finissage.

Tak for billeder og kunstneriske indslag til
Antje Flotho

Arne Lösekann
Christine Lemke
Claudia Reiche
Cecile Noldus
Georg Kühn
Jelka Plate

Kerstin Stoll
Manfred Eichhorn
Michael Perlbach
Mieke Andersen
Mette Bartholin
Michael Perlbach
Michel Chevalier
Murat Buyukalp
Oliver Stigler
Stef Engel
Stephan Pflug
Danserne Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule
samt alle andre som kom og var med.

En særlig tak til George Kühn og Projektraum DOSE

Projektet var støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Kulturbehörde Hamburg.

Pictures from the city send by people. Jacket filled with sand to make it heavy. Photo Michael Perlbach

Michel Chevalier visiting to tell about a cooperation with Mette kit Jensen from 2007 - providing street lamps with tables in Münzviertel in front of his shop "Unlimited Liability".

Säulentanz by Kathrin Wolf and Kerstin Stoll. From the former Terapi project in Spaldingstraße

Event with food. Photo Michael Perlbach

Tanzperformance with Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule

Tanzperformance with Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule

Tanzperformance with Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule

Tanzperformance with Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule

Tanzperformance with Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule

Georg Kühn: LEUCHTTURM. Performance with dias projectors and sound. Photo Michael Perlbach

Georg Kühn: LEUCHTTURM. Performance with dias projectors and sound. Photo Michael Perlbach

Georg Kühn: LEUCHTTURM. Performance with dias projectors and sound. Photo Michael Perlbach

Georg Kühn: LEUCHTTURM. Performance with dias projectors and sound. Photo Michael Perlbach

Antje Flotho in her costume in the LEUCHTTURM performance from Georg Kühn.

Christine Lemke: Photos from Radisson SAS framed by plants in Planten und Blomen. Costume by Mette kit Jensen

Costume by Mette kit Jensen. Photo Jelka Plate

Tanzperformance with Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule

Tanzperformance with Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule

Tanzperformance with Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule. Improvising in costumes made by Mette Kit Jensen from second hand jackets.

Finissage and costume ball

ERSATZSTADT, Projektraum DOSE, Hamburg 2024
“Ersatzstadt” was a new common soft city with fragments of Hamburg, without really being Hamburg.The individuals of the city made it alive. The project payed tribute to the co-creation and everybody was invited to participate

People had the opportunity to submit a picture of a place in Hamburg that interests them along with a short text. Silhouettes of the places were cut from recycled fabric, edged and hung from the ceiling - as set pieces. Slowly the space is filled into a new "city" that you could walk around in. The materials were textiles collected at flea markets and second-hand shops in Copenhagen, Rome and Hamburg and then dyed. When the project was finished, leftover textiles were given to an artist who makes paper from textile waste.

Every Saturday there was an event where participants had the opportunity to submit artistic contributions to the existing space.

The concept for Projektraum DOSE is that the artists work directly in the exhibition space.
The visitors have access throughout the period and it ends with a finale.

Thanks for the pictures and artistic features
Antje Flotho

Arne Lösekann
Christine Lemke
Claudia Reiche
Cecile Noldus
Georg Kühn
Jelka Plate

Kerstin Stoll
Manfred Eichhorn
Michael Perlbach
Mieke Andersen
Mette Bartholin
Michael Perlbach
Murat Buyukalp
Oliver Stigler
Stef Engel
Stephan Pflug
Dancers Katharina Albers, Malin Rebel and Jette Backer from Erika Klütz Schule
as well as everyone else who came and participated.

A special thanks to George Kühn and Projektraum DOSE

The project was supported by the the Danish Arts Council and Kulturbehörde Hamburg.