“CHANGING ROOM”, Skjold Contemporary DK 2019


Photo: Sarah Buthmann

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Deltagerbaseret performance 90 min , 2 halvlege


Performance i omklædningsrum nr. 6 i fodboldklubben Skjold.
Det kuratoriske koncept fra kurator Frank Altschul Jensen:
Lav en performance i 2 halvlege, 15 minutters pause, 22 deltagere.

Manuskriptet til performancen tog udgangspunkt i en episode på en offentlig plads i Berlin. Politiet havde afspærret området pga. et knivstikkeri. De handlende og publikum var nu isoleret på hver side af afspærringsbåndet: Loppemarked Leopoldplatz

Stemningen i omklædningsrum nr. 6 skiftede konstant mellem venlighed, disciplin og kamp mellem tilskuerne, med muligheden for både sejr, point og udvisning. Via oplæsning, holddannelser, tøjbytning, ballondans, skiftende regler, røde og gule kort mm. blev publikum dirigeret rundt i et uforudsigeligt spil.


Photos: Sarah Buthmann

Tak til Deltagerne, kurator Frank Altschul Jensen, Fodboldklubben Skjold og Svend Rybner
Manuskriptet blev til under et ophold på Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik i Berlin støttet af Statens Kunstfonds residence-program.


Participant based performance 90 minutes, 2 semis
Skjold Contemporary DK 2019

Performance in dressing room no. 6 in the football club Skjold.
The curatorial concept from curator Frank Altschul Jensen:
Make a performance in 2 semesters, 15 minutes break, 22 participants.

The script for the performance was based on an incident in a public square in Berlin. The police had closed down the area because of a knife stabbing and the merchants and the public were now isolated on each side of the barricade band.

The mood in the changing room changed constantly from kindness to discipline and to a battle between the audience with the possibility of victory, points and expulsions . Via reading, team formation, balloon dancing, changing rules, red and yellow cards etc. the audience was conducted in an unpredictable game.

Thanks to the audience, Frank Altschul Jensen, the football club Skjold and Svend Rybner. The script was written during a stay at Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik; Berlin supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.